Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Just a note from me to everyone.  As of next Monday, I will not be on here at all for a couple of weeks, but don't think I am not thinking of all of you, because I will be while I am in the hospital for some knee surgery and then when I get home it will have me down in bed for a bit until I am strong enough to get up to my computer and drawing supplies.  Hope everyone is well and happy.
from Duane Anderson.


  1. Olá Duane,
    Desejo-lhe um ótimo e rápido restabelecer de sua saúde,
    A arte sempre acompanha o artista em todos os momentos
    porque através dela nascemos e renascemos a cada dia.
    Um grande abraço.

  2. Thank you, Joelma...I do appreciate your kind wishes for my recovery. Please pray for me for the operation to be successful. I hope you are happy there and healthy in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. big hugs for you too.
